Carpet Can Help You Breath Easier!

Some biopollutants, such as animals, dander, house dust mites, and mold, have been linked to allergies and asthma, and many of these substances are commonly found in the average home. It is important to understand that the mere presence of allergens does not in itself pose a hazard. The allergen must be inhaled for exposure to occur, and in order for inhalation to occur, the allergen must be airborne.

Carpet and Rug Institute – Fact vs. Fiction

Sneezing. Coughing. Running nose. Itching red eyes. Sound familiar? Up to 50-million Americans each year experience these symptoms due to allergies. While the symptoms are very real, some of the quick-fix remedies are not – including moving to Arizona or shaving the family dog. According to many allergists, the real cure for sniffing, sneezing and wheezing may be as simple as a regular house cleaning. In household dust, common allergens from dust mites, pets, mold, and cockroaches can trigger an allergic response.


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