Carpet and Rug Institute – Fact vs. Fiction

Sneezing. Coughing. Running nose. Itching red eyes. Sound familiar? Up to 50-million Americans each year experience these symptoms due to allergies. While the symptoms are very real, some of the quick-fix remedies are not – including moving to Arizona or shaving the family dog. According to many allergists, the real cure for sniffing, sneezing and wheezing may be as simple as a regular house cleaning. In household dust, common allergens from dust mites, pets, mold, and cockroaches can trigger an allergic response.

The Truth About Mold

Mold becomes a problem inside a home when there’s excessive humidity or moisture. The problem can originate from sudden water releases, like a burst pipe or large spill, or a chronic condition such as a leaking roof or plumbing. Even high humidity or warm, moist air condensing on cool surfaces can trigger mold problems. It’s always best to have the mold assessed and removed by a certified professional.


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